A-Force vs Criminal Syndicate 26/03/21
A-Force vs Criminal Syndicate 26/03/21
A-Force: SheHulk, Medusa, Angela, Okoye
TTCs - Special Delivery, Stalwart Determination, MedPack, Brace for Impact, Extreme Conditioning.
Criminal Syndicate - KingPin, MODOK, Taskmaster, Mystique, Toad
TTCs - Brace for Impact, MedPack, Deceptive, Bitter Rivals, Disarm
TTCs - Brace for Impact, MedPack, Deceptive, Bitter Rivals, Disarm
Objectives - Infinity Formula Goes Missing, The Montesi Formula Found
So, for this game I was determined to use A-Force. Theyve been in my 10 man line up for weeks and I have barely gotten them onto the table. I paired them with Asgard for this game as they crossover with Angela, and with Asgard being a smaller more elite force it makes them much easier to pair with.
So, for this game I was determined to use A-Force. Theyve been in my 10 man line up for weeks and I have barely gotten them onto the table. I paired them with Asgard for this game as they crossover with Angela, and with Asgard being a smaller more elite force it makes them much easier to pair with.
Game Prep.
For a change (not really haha) Adam wins priority and choses Secure so I am left with Extract. We end up with Infinity and Montesi formula scenarios, so 17 threat is decided as thats the only option. We were hoping to record this game on the new set up, but unfortunately we couldnt get the external mic to work so that was that canned. I was a bit concerned, due to my line up I couldnt get more than 4 characters in my list, so I decide to go with A-Force.
Adam deploys first and goes with Mystique at the top, Kingpin, Toad, Modok and Taskmaster. I counter deploy with Medusa, Angela, SheHulk and Okoye.
For a change (not really haha) Adam wins priority and choses Secure so I am left with Extract. We end up with Infinity and Montesi formula scenarios, so 17 threat is decided as thats the only option. We were hoping to record this game on the new set up, but unfortunately we couldnt get the external mic to work so that was that canned. I was a bit concerned, due to my line up I couldnt get more than 4 characters in my list, so I decide to go with A-Force.
Adam deploys first and goes with Mystique at the top, Kingpin, Toad, Modok and Taskmaster. I counter deploy with Medusa, Angela, SheHulk and Okoye.
Turn 1:
Adam goes with Toad first, double walks him forward and takes the centre objective. I knew this was likely to be his first move, I was hoping the threat of SheHulk might make him think twice. Adam doing this basically decides my strategy going forward.
Angela plays Special Delivery and SheHulk pays the power to join in. Angela moves up and drops SheHulk within 2 of Toad. SheHulk gets her free attack and does 2 damage to the mutant but far from enough to knock daze him, applying Slow. Adam triggers slippery and moves Toad back to the bus stop. Angela then moves forward again and takes the token on Adams side of the board.
Mystique plays Deceptive and moves Angela over toward Kinpin. Taskmaster then activates and moves to the objective beside the building at the bottom, throws a shield at SheHulk for 1 damage.
SheHulk is up next and moves up to near Modok, hits him with an uppercut and does 3 damage and applies Slow, following it up with a throw and throws Modok back to Adams board edge.
KingPin flexes his might and double attacks Angela, only managing to push 1 damage past the Asgardian defences. He follows up it by throwing a nearby car which I decide to Brace and take 0 damage.
Okoye keeps her activation simple, double walking to pick up the objective near my edge.
Mystique moves to her objective and shoots Angela with her pistol, but fails to crack the armour.
Modok gets up from being thrown and moves back towards combat and returns fire at SheHulk causing her 3 damage, he then throws the daily Bugle hut at her causing another 3 damage, uses Medpack, ending his activation by moving her away S.
Turn ends 3 - 3
Adam goes with Toad first, double walks him forward and takes the centre objective. I knew this was likely to be his first move, I was hoping the threat of SheHulk might make him think twice. Adam doing this basically decides my strategy going forward.
Angela plays Special Delivery and SheHulk pays the power to join in. Angela moves up and drops SheHulk within 2 of Toad. SheHulk gets her free attack and does 2 damage to the mutant but far from enough to knock daze him, applying Slow. Adam triggers slippery and moves Toad back to the bus stop. Angela then moves forward again and takes the token on Adams side of the board.
Mystique plays Deceptive and moves Angela over toward Kinpin. Taskmaster then activates and moves to the objective beside the building at the bottom, throws a shield at SheHulk for 1 damage.
SheHulk is up next and moves up to near Modok, hits him with an uppercut and does 3 damage and applies Slow, following it up with a throw and throws Modok back to Adams board edge.
KingPin flexes his might and double attacks Angela, only managing to push 1 damage past the Asgardian defences. He follows up it by throwing a nearby car which I decide to Brace and take 0 damage.
Okoye keeps her activation simple, double walking to pick up the objective near my edge.
Mystique moves to her objective and shoots Angela with her pistol, but fails to crack the armour.
Modok gets up from being thrown and moves back towards combat and returns fire at SheHulk causing her 3 damage, he then throws the daily Bugle hut at her causing another 3 damage, uses Medpack, ending his activation by moving her away S.
Turn ends 3 - 3
Turn 2:
During the power phase Medusa, Taskmaster, Mystique all gain 1 power from contesting the formula objectives.
SheHulk decides to activate first. She moves back towards Modok and uses Medpack to heal 3 of her damage. She throws another attack at Modok and causes 6 damage to the floating villain and applying stagger.
Toad activates and uses disarm alongside Kingpin on Angela, he then attacks Angela for 0 damage, finishing by moving away over the bus stop.
Angela moves, chasing Toad across the bus stop and attacks the mutant for another point of damage, triggering her place ability and moving to the far side of Toad.
Taskmaster activates and uses his main attack to do 2 damage to SheHulk, he follows up with a strike which does 0 damage but does apply Bleed.
Okoye continues her simple activations by double moving across to the formula objective beside the garbage truck.
Modok activates and shakes stagger. He then moves Angela across himself. He finishes by using a doomsday chair attack on SheHulk which secondary triggers to Angela, causing 4 damage to both A-Force members.
Medusa moves up, attacks Mystique for 0 damage and pushes her away. He then throws the mutant at Kingpin for 1 damage.
Mystique moves back to the objective and attacks Medusa for 1 damage.
Kingpin moves across the bus stop and attacks Angela, but fails to do any damage.
SheHulk decides to activate first. She moves back towards Modok and uses Medpack to heal 3 of her damage. She throws another attack at Modok and causes 6 damage to the floating villain and applying stagger.
Toad activates and uses disarm alongside Kingpin on Angela, he then attacks Angela for 0 damage, finishing by moving away over the bus stop.
Angela moves, chasing Toad across the bus stop and attacks the mutant for another point of damage, triggering her place ability and moving to the far side of Toad.
Taskmaster activates and uses his main attack to do 2 damage to SheHulk, he follows up with a strike which does 0 damage but does apply Bleed.
Okoye continues her simple activations by double moving across to the formula objective beside the garbage truck.
Modok activates and shakes stagger. He then moves Angela across himself. He finishes by using a doomsday chair attack on SheHulk which secondary triggers to Angela, causing 4 damage to both A-Force members.
Medusa moves up, attacks Mystique for 0 damage and pushes her away. He then throws the mutant at Kingpin for 1 damage.
Mystique moves back to the objective and attacks Medusa for 1 damage.
Kingpin moves across the bus stop and attacks Angela, but fails to do any damage.
Turn ends 6 - 6
Toad hops and uses his beam attack, from the book he is carrying, on SheHulk and Angela, only doing 1 damage to Shehulk. He beams again and SheHulk takes Angelas attack but causes 0 damage on both damage rolls.
Turn 3:
During the power phase Okoye, Medusa, Mystique and Taskmaster all gain 1 power from the formula objectives.
SheHulk is now sitting on a lot of power, and Modok is sitting on not a lot of Health. I decide to go with her strongest attack and use her super power which adds Modoks size to the dice pool, so it goes from an already scary 9 to a monster 13 vs Modoks 2 physical defence. I roll 6 success, 5 of which are wilds which Modok renders unusable, causing him a mighty 0 damage but does apply Stagger due to his preexisting slow. This will later be a point of the game that is a huge turning point. I attack Modok again and do 3 damage and leave him on 1 HP. SheHulk vents her fury by throwing Modok away.
During the power phase Okoye, Medusa, Mystique and Taskmaster all gain 1 power from the formula objectives.
SheHulk is now sitting on a lot of power, and Modok is sitting on not a lot of Health. I decide to go with her strongest attack and use her super power which adds Modoks size to the dice pool, so it goes from an already scary 9 to a monster 13 vs Modoks 2 physical defence. I roll 6 success, 5 of which are wilds which Modok renders unusable, causing him a mighty 0 damage but does apply Stagger due to his preexisting slow. This will later be a point of the game that is a huge turning point. I attack Modok again and do 3 damage and leave him on 1 HP. SheHulk vents her fury by throwing Modok away.
Angela attacks Toad and does 0 damage. She then clears bleed and throws part of the fence at Toad but fails to do any damage.
Modok, feeling a bit like a bowling ball, clears stagger and attacks Angela, doing 2 damage and dazing the Asgardian. She also drops her spellbook objective she was carrying.
Medusa continues her assault on Mystique and double attacks her for 1 damage and pushes her away again. She then throws Mystique further away.
Kingpin picks up the spellbook then moves up towards SheHulk. Attacking her and causing 3 damage. He then throws a nearby car which causes a further 2 damage.
Okoye stands her ground and double attacks Taskmaster, but with the benefit of cover she fails to do any damage.
Taskmaster attacks SheHulk and does 2 damage, KOing the superhero. He then throws a shield at Okoye but causes 0 damage.
Mystique moves and attacks Medusa for 2 damage, getting the rapid fire trigger but failing to do any further damage.
Modok, feeling a bit like a bowling ball, clears stagger and attacks Angela, doing 2 damage and dazing the Asgardian. She also drops her spellbook objective she was carrying.
Medusa continues her assault on Mystique and double attacks her for 1 damage and pushes her away again. She then throws Mystique further away.
Kingpin picks up the spellbook then moves up towards SheHulk. Attacking her and causing 3 damage. He then throws a nearby car which causes a further 2 damage.
Okoye stands her ground and double attacks Taskmaster, but with the benefit of cover she fails to do any damage.
Taskmaster attacks SheHulk and does 2 damage, KOing the superhero. He then throws a shield at Okoye but causes 0 damage.
Mystique moves and attacks Medusa for 2 damage, getting the rapid fire trigger but failing to do any further damage.
Turn ends 10 - 8 to Adam
Turn 4:
Okoye, Taskmaster, Mystique and Medusa all gain 1 power during the power phase from the formula objective.
Angela starts the turn by throwing another part of the fence at Toad and doing 2 damage, dazing the mutant and forcing him to drop his spellbook which Angela then picks up. She then attacks Modok for 0 damage but does get the trigger to move towards him S. She then attacks with her builder and does enough damage to daze the villian.
Taskmaster double walks to the objective Okoye is holding, and because of Kingpins leadership ability means he is now scoring the objective.
Medusa double attacks Mystique doing a further 0 damage, she folows up by throwing the mutant at the nearby statue for 1 damage.
Mystique attacks and dazes Medusa then moves back onto the objective.
Kingpin ends the turn by walking to the objective thats on top of the building at the bottom of the board.
Turn ends 14 - 10 to Adam
Okoye, Taskmaster, Mystique and Medusa all gain 1 power during the power phase from the formula objective.
Angela starts the turn by throwing another part of the fence at Toad and doing 2 damage, dazing the mutant and forcing him to drop his spellbook which Angela then picks up. She then attacks Modok for 0 damage but does get the trigger to move towards him S. She then attacks with her builder and does enough damage to daze the villian.
Taskmaster double walks to the objective Okoye is holding, and because of Kingpins leadership ability means he is now scoring the objective.
Medusa double attacks Mystique doing a further 0 damage, she folows up by throwing the mutant at the nearby statue for 1 damage.
Mystique attacks and dazes Medusa then moves back onto the objective.
Kingpin ends the turn by walking to the objective thats on top of the building at the bottom of the board.
Turn ends 14 - 10 to Adam
Turn 5:
Not looking great for me, I have a lot to do and not alot of pieces left on the board to do it with.
Okoye, Taskmaster, Mystique and Medusa all gain 1 power during the power phase from the formula objective.
Angela decides to go first and double attacks Modok, causing only 3 damage and leaving him, again, on 1 health.
Toad attacks and incinerates Angela which causes 0 damage. He then walks and hops on top of the bottom building to the objective.
Medusa attacks and finally dazes Mystique, deciding to stay at the top objective.
Taskmaster double attacks and dazes Okoye, which causes her to drop the spellbook which Taskmaster then picks up.
Modok attacks Angela for 3 damage, moves her then attacks again and KOs the Asgardian.
Kingpin ends the turn by doing nothing.
Game ends 18 - 11 to Adam.
Well that was actually a really close game. I was pleased with how I did but a little disappointed with my luck. If SheHulk took down Modok on turn 3 it would have changed how the turn went entirely. Medusa just failing miserably to do anything to Mystique for 4 turns was annoying as it meant Adam was always scoring there even though he only had 1 hero nearby. Again I was hampered by the spread out objectives meaning I had to leave 1 of my 4 models behind to more or less do nothing. Also I misread Medusas card on turn 2 and decided to go after Mystique. My plan was to move up and throw Kingpin towards the top of the table so he couldnt close on Angela. But I read the card as she can only throw terrain, which is not the case as she can only throw characters. So misreading that rule had a huge impact on the game as well. Note to self: read cards properly haha. :-)
Not looking great for me, I have a lot to do and not alot of pieces left on the board to do it with.
Okoye, Taskmaster, Mystique and Medusa all gain 1 power during the power phase from the formula objective.
Angela decides to go first and double attacks Modok, causing only 3 damage and leaving him, again, on 1 health.
Toad attacks and incinerates Angela which causes 0 damage. He then walks and hops on top of the bottom building to the objective.
Medusa attacks and finally dazes Mystique, deciding to stay at the top objective.
Taskmaster double attacks and dazes Okoye, which causes her to drop the spellbook which Taskmaster then picks up.
Modok attacks Angela for 3 damage, moves her then attacks again and KOs the Asgardian.
Kingpin ends the turn by doing nothing.
Game ends 18 - 11 to Adam.
Well that was actually a really close game. I was pleased with how I did but a little disappointed with my luck. If SheHulk took down Modok on turn 3 it would have changed how the turn went entirely. Medusa just failing miserably to do anything to Mystique for 4 turns was annoying as it meant Adam was always scoring there even though he only had 1 hero nearby. Again I was hampered by the spread out objectives meaning I had to leave 1 of my 4 models behind to more or less do nothing. Also I misread Medusas card on turn 2 and decided to go after Mystique. My plan was to move up and throw Kingpin towards the top of the table so he couldnt close on Angela. But I read the card as she can only throw terrain, which is not the case as she can only throw characters. So misreading that rule had a huge impact on the game as well. Note to self: read cards properly haha. :-)
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