Inhumans vs Wakanda 19/03/21

Inhumans v Cabal 19/03/21

Inhumans - Black Bolt, Medusa, Lockjaw, Ronan, Okoye and Wong
TTCs - Brace for Impact, Medpack, Attilan Rising, Last Minute Save, Advanced R&D

Wakandan - Black Panther, Killmonger, Shuri, Okoye, Enchantress and Hawkeye
TTCs - Brace for Impact, Medpack, Usurp the Throne, Wakanda Forever, Advanced R&D

Objectives - Alien Ship Crashes in Downtown! and Riot Spark Over Extremis 3.0

Second game with Inhumans, minus Crystal, for this game. Still putting them through their paces. Medusa and Lockjaw, I feel, have cemented their position in most line ups I'd write. Black Bolt and Crystal I'm still undecided on and I decided to throw Ronan into the mix to see if I could get some interesting interactions between him and Lockjaw. I have played him a few times in the past and he was pretty solid so I'm hoping that this will continue.

Game Prep:

For this game I won the priority roll. :-D I decide to go with Extracts and Adam has secures. I choose the downed ship against Adams extremist console secure. I decide to go with 20 points to make sure I have access to all possible options. Continuing with our new tripod set up, and this time we are going to include some extra closer up pics to aid with the flow of the game. 

I deploy first with Okoye at the top, Medusa, Wong, Black Bolt and Lockjaw on top of the building with Ronan between the two buildings. Adam counter deploys Okoye, Killmonger, Enchantress, Shiri, Hawkeye and Black Panther at the bottom.

Turn 1:
For my first activation I decide to be a bit aggressive and start with Lockjaw who instantly gets 3 power due to being next to Black Bolt. He then teleports Ronan forward and Medusa at a 45 degree angle, pushing a bit of threat towards the bottom of the board.

Adam decides to go right for the Kree power core. Similar to the skrull scenario, whoever finds it first can then run around with it and score points. Adam double walks Okoye towards the rubble pile in the skip at the top, rolls the two dice and finds the core on turn 1, first activation. Huge turning point in the game already and we have only activated two minis. 
Straight away I know I need to get to Okoye before she can back up over the size 4 building behind her. If she can get over that I will really struggle to get the core back. Fortunately the person with the core is limited to one movement action per turn, so it does give me a bit of wiggle room. I go with Wong, who moves forward onto the extermis console just outside my deployment zone, meditates for a power then plays Advanced R+D to give a power to Medusa and to Ronan.
Shuri moves to cover the bottom objective, shooting Ronan and pushing him backwards also plinking a point of damage onto the Kree.
Medusa uses her Royal Decree to teleport lockjaw forward then double moves to behind the lamp post near the middle-top of the board.
Hawkeye moves forward to the objective just outside Adams deployment zone and shoots Medusa applying shock from his full quiver ability and giving her a point of damage to boot. He then plays Advanced R+D and puts a power onto Black Panther and Killmonger.
My hand is forced already in this game, knowing I will likely get priority next turn I sent Black Bolt towards Okoye. He is one of my heaviest hitters and I need to be able to get through Okoye before she gets away.
Enchantress moves up and launches a scathing attack on Medusa causing her 4 damage. She then uses her Sirens call ability to walk Medusa towards the centre of the board.
Okoye on my side moves up to on top of the skip near the centre. She fires a spear blast at Adams counterpart scoring 3 damage. She then packs the heavily damaged Medusa.
Killmonger moves up then charges Medusa but only manages to push through 1 damage to the Inhuman Queen.
Ronan double moves up to the bottom objective.
Black Panther moves and uses pounce to land in front of Ronan. The Wakandan leader then strikes Ronan, pushing the Kree back and causing 3 damage, Ronan uses his reactive super power to apply the Judgement special condition to Panther.

Turn ends 1 - 5  to Adam and with me retaining priority.

Turn 2:
Not looking great for me, Adam takes a 4 point leader and also still remains in control of the power core. Having my hand forced to go after the core means I am losing ground on periphery objectives. Basically I need to get the core and keep it and hopefully can pull back some ground.
Medusa activates first and uses Hair Flip to throw Killmonger away towards the bottom of the board. She moves toward Okoye and uses Royal Decree to teleport Black Bolt over her head and in front. Medusa finishes with an attack on Okoye, with shock causing one less dice I dont manage to secure the damage I need.
Okoye tries a cheeky attack on Black Bolt and puts two damage on the King of the Inhumans. She gets her flurry trigger but fails to follow it up with any damage. Adam then moves Okoye along the side of the portacabin, deeper into the field of cover.

I now need Black Bolt to take the core before Okoye moves again, one more move and she is over the building to relative safety. Bolt activates and attacks Okoye with his builder attack, dealing the much needed 1 damage to daze the Wakandan General and force her to drop the core, which Bolt picks up and then moves away from the incoming Enchantress.
Enchantress moves up to beside Medusa and uses Sirens Call to move Black Bolt towards her, almost base to base. Adam throws a beam attack which hits Medusa and Okoye causing 0 damage to either but gains a power from the abilities trigger. She then uses Amora's Kiss to move the Kree Power Core from Black Bolt to herself.
So, I use Enchantress often, and I totally forgot she had that ability. I now have to try and get the power core from a hard to catch character. Because of the core I am again in a position where periphery objectives might be hard to contest. The more I commit to getting the core the less I have elsewhere. Ronan cant really contest v Panther because of the pushes and its only so long before Wong gets into issues on his objective. I decide to go with Wong who moves around to within 2 of Lockjaw, he meditates again for a power then uses his ability to transfer 1 power to Okoye.
Killmonger charges Lockjaw and does 0 damage. He follows up with another attack, rolls well and I roll badly and dazes the big puppy, using his ability to place Killmonger closer to the objective.
Okoye stays on top of the skip and fires a spear blast at Enchantress, paying the 2 power to make her use her energy defence, but causes 0 damage. She fires again squeezes 1 damage onto the Asgardian.
Hawkeye moves around his objective and shoots Medusa, causing 0 damage but applying the bleed condition to her from full quiver.
Ronan moves up to the objective and attacks Black Panther causing only 1 damage but applying both stun and stagger, then uses the console to heal 1 damage.
Shuri activates and triggers Wakanda Forever, with Shuri and Killmonger paying to use it. Shuri shoots Ronan for 1 damage and pushing him away from the objective. Killmonger attacks Wong but fails to do any damage. Shuri moves towards the top of the board and shoots Medusa, causing a point of damage and pushing the Queen backwards.
Black Panther uses both of his actions to clear Judgement and Stagger then heals 1 damage from the console objective.

Turn ends 2 - 9 to Adam.

Turn 3:
Well, I still have priority, but my uphill struggle from last turn has now become an almost vertical climb. Enchantress has the core and a bunch of my characters are dinged up. I also have to deal with Killmonger amongst my support.
I activate Black Bolt and decide to go town on Enchantess, or so I hope. Lockjaw uses Attilan Rising to give a power to all of the Inhumans, Black Bolt attacks Enchantress and pays to reduce her defence but can only manage 1 damage. He does it again with similar effects. A disappointing showing from the King. He uses his leadership ability to send 1 power to Okoye.
Enchantress activates and throws a skip at Medusa which she Braces. The Asgardian then beam attacks and hits Black Bolt and Medusa, causing 3 damage to Bolt and dazing him. Okoye takes the attack instead of Medusa, taking 4 damage and dazing her also. She then Sirens Calls Medusa backwards and finishes by moving onto the top console objective and using Medpack on herself.
Medusa moves back forward again, attacks Enchantress with her builder, doesnt get the flurry but does do 2 damage. She throws Enchantress into the cement mixer for another point of damage, ending her turn and taking a bleed damage point.
Killmonger continues his attack on my support attacking Lockjaw for 3 damage then attacking and dazing Wong.
Lockjaw teleports himself over to the objective, and throws a skip at Killmonger for 1 damage. He heals for 1 damage from the objective. I totally forgot that Lockjaw is injured and Killmonger is healthy, so I cant contest the console.
Hawkeye moves towards the top of the board, shoots Medusa for 1 damage and dazes her, hook arrowing over to the top objective.
Ronan uses his universal weapon attack twice to do 3 damage to Black Panther and push him off the objective.
Adams Okoye moves up to bodyguard range of Enchantress, keeping it simple.
Black Panther ends the turn by moving back onto the objective and healing a damage.

Turn ends 2- 15 to Adam

Turn 4:
So, the game is all but done. To even think about coming back in I need to score everything and Adam to score nothing which seems borderline impossible. 
Black Bolt activates, determined to do something before the end. He swings at Enchantress which Okoye bodyguards for 2 damage. He then uses Whisper to beam attack Enchantress and Okoye and also destroy a couple of terrain pieces. Okoye bodyguards Enchantress again and takes two damage, being KOd but ultimately doing her job and stopping the Asgardian from going down.
Enchantress attacks with her beam again hitting Medusa and Black Bolt but causing 0 damage to Bolt. Okoye takes the hit on behalf of Medusa and takes 4 damage, being KOd. She Siren Calls Medusa away again, then flies back toward Adams edge.
Medusa at this point must be getting fed up of being bumped around the board. She moves back towards Black Bolt and Royal Decrees herself to teleports beside him. She swings a Braid Bash at Enchantress for 3 damage finally dazing the Asgardian sorceress and drops the power core just out of reach of Medusa to pick up. During the attack Medusa got her flurry trigger to uses it to attack Hawkeye, causing 0 damage but pushing him off the objective. She finishes her activation with a Hair Flip and throws the other skip at Hawkeye which Adam Braces.
Killmonger keeps his activation simple and double attacks Lockjaw, KOing the poor canine.
Wong double moves to the power core and picks it up, he then uses his ability to transfer a power to Black Bolt.
Hawkeye double attacks Wong, KOs him and forces the power core to drop again. He then hook arrows over to the top objective again.
Ronan walks to Black Panther and attacks him for 2 damage and causing a stagger. 
Panther responds by attacking back, causing 2 damage and triggering The Accuser. Ronan strikes Black Panther for 1 damage and throws him into the bus shelter for another damage. Panther finishes his turn by pouncing back onto the objective.
Shuri ends the game by walking over and picking up the kree power core, then walking back to the left hand console objective.

Turn ends 2 - 21

Well, that was a bit of a rout! :-D Adam finding the core turn 1 on his first activation totally messed up my entire game plan and forced me to redeploy characters on one side of the board when they were heading to another. Ronan got bogged down in a slogging match with Black Panther when he really should have started to head to the middle, abandoning that objective completely. I do like Ronan but I feel Id have just been better with Venom or another stronger cost 4 beater. Black Bolt I feel you want to throw him forwards so he gets punched up, you maybe want him Injured to unlock his much harder to kill side and his devastating beam attack. Forgetting about Enchantress ability to move my token was horrendous, but I dont think I could have done anything different in that situation. I had to take on Okoye and I had to move backwards. Medusa performed well, being shocked for a long time without getting a break to shake it was quite harsh but she did ok considering. 

Im going to shake up the team a little again before I play Adam on Sunday. Possibly switch out Ronan and Wong for other options.


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