Avengers v Cabal 03-03-21

 Avengers v Cabal 03-03-21

Avengers - Captain America, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Wasp, Okoye 

TTCs - Medpack, Brace for Impact, Deal with the Devil, Advanced R+D, Avengers Assemble

Cabal - Red Skull, M.O.D.O.K., Baron Zemo, Crossbones and Okoye

TTCs - Medpack, Brace for Impact, Dark Reign, Cosmic Invigoration

Objective cards - Skrulls Infiltrate World Leadership, Infinity Formula Goes Missing

So, as a preface, Adam and I play quite often. Adam has been playing Cabal and Wakanda for a while now. Ive been trialing Avengers and A-Force for a few weeks, both of us whittling down what selections we want. Im giving Ghost Rider a go in Avengers today as a change from the usual.

Game Prep:

Adam wins the priority roll, choses extraction (blue) so i am secure (red). He choses Infinity Forumla and I chose Skrulls. Im not a fan of spreading out, i still cant seem to get the hang of building the right roster that covers both a spread out scenario and a take and hold situation.

Adam deploys along the top of the board on his edge with Crossbones on my left flank, Skull, Modok, Okoye and Zemo. I deploy Hawkeye opposite Crossbones, Cap, Ghost Rider, Wasp then Okoye.

TURN 1 Adam Priority:

Adam choses to go with Crossbones first, he makes a quick advance up to secure the formula objective on the left of Adams deployment area.

Ideally I want the Skrull on hawkeye, he can grab it and shoot back to my end of the board and camp. So I go with Hawkeye. Given that he is facing down Modok and Skull I decide to move to the formula objective on my left and take a potshot at Crossbones. I roll well, Bones takes 2 damage and I apply shock, Adam choses to aggressive him forward.

Adams Okoye is up next, she double moves and drops a power to search for the skrull on the right hand token and turns up no crits, no skrull for Okoye.

My Okoye moves up to the formula token on my right to secure and takes a shot at her counterpart and plinks for 1 damage.

Red Skull takes a walk up to the left hand objective that Crossbones previously secured and ends his activation,

I thought I maybe had something on Okoye, so i go with wasp, who moves up and goes to tiny mode, but realising im still out of range i decide to move her back to safety, knowing full well what Zemo can do,

Zemo, out of range of everyone, double walks to the secure objective on Adams right.

Cap moves up the middle to the centre skrull token, rolls to find and turns up nothing. 

Modok strafes toward the left side of the board, takes a shot at Cap and plinks him for a damage. 

Knowing that Adam will have priority i decide to move Rider once, keeping him out of range of being double tapped by Skull or Modok.

Turn ends 2 - 2

TURN 2 Adam Priority:

Adam retains priority. Decides to go with Bones first again and shakes shock, throwing a haymaker at Hawkeye and causing a damage and follows up with tossing him into the skip for another damage.

I go with Cap again and try for the skrull in the centre with no luck again! I decide to use the Avenger Assemble card. Cap, Hawkeye and Wasp all take a S move. This puts Cap in range of a shield throw at Zemo. I throw the first attack, get the trigger for ricochet onto Okoye, but neither attack does damage. I try again, fail the trigger and still do no damage. Cap whiffs it.

Zemo decides to go skrull hunting. He moves up to the right hand skrull token and finds it empty. In his rage of being left empty handed Zemo steel rushes Okoye and flat out pastes her, even with her reroll its not enough. Okoye is dazed and Zemo uses the movement from steel rush to move back to the secure objective.

Disappointed Okoye got one shotted i decided to go with Wasp, maybe take down the opposing Okoye before she can activate. Wasp moves up, attacks but fluffs it for 1 damage.

Red Skull, seeing the annoyance of the elusive skrull moves up from the objective to the skrull token, Before searching he attacks Hawkeye with his cube for 1 damage. He searches the skrull token for, again, no skrull!

Hawkeye, being the long range hero he is decides to stay put and shoot crossbones twice for 3 damage in total, with no full quiver triggers. He uses Advanced R+D to hand out some power to Cap, Rider, Wasp, then hook arrows to safety behind the skip.

Adams Okoye, feeling confident after Wasp failed to do much, stands her ground and attacks wasp twice and stuns her. 2 characters down this turn! She decides to search for the skrull who once again is not found.

Ghost Rider decides to get involved and uses Hell on Wheels to get up close and personal with crossbones,. He throws his chain attack at Crossbones and dazes him. With no other real valid targets he attacks Red Skull for 1 damage and ends his activation.

Modok decides to play safe, attacks Rider for 1 damage then moves to the secure objective on the left ending the turn.

Turn ends 4 - 3 in Adams favour

TURN 3, Allan Priority:

I have priority, ghost rider is sitting on a ton of power between 3 hard hitting cabal members so i decide to go with him first. My plan is to chain attack Crossbones, get power to hell on wheels to Modok and hopefully do a chunk of damage with a 10 dice penance stare. I swing the chain at Crossbones, do one damage which he negates with his damage reducer, denying me the power i need. In response i roll a penance stare at crossbones who is power loaded giving me 10 dice, which i roll 4 crits. Crossbones goes down under the furious gaze of the rider.

Okoye on the other side of the board double attacks Wasp, causing her 2 damage overall. Adam rolls for the skrull who again remains unfound!

Wasp decides to get involved, attacks with a wasps fury causing one damage and transformers to big wasp. She then transforms back into tiny wasp and furies her again and does only 1 damage again. 

Zemo moves up, does a skrull check for no skrull. He steel rushes Okoye again and does her 3 damage before moving back to the secure objective.

Hawkeye, feeling lucky hook arrows across to the skrull and searchers, FINALLY finding the elusive skrull. He then double walks, now using S because of the skrull, putting some distance between himself and the cabal.

Red Skull, annoyed at Hawkeyes luck double strikes ghost rider and dazes the rider in a flurry of blows. He then uses the Cube to teleport Modok forwards.

Cap, free to move from the middle heads towards Zemo and Okoye.He shield slams Zemo which is bodyguarded by Okoye. She takes no damage from the attack but Cap uses the trigger to throw the Wakandan into Zemo, Adam uses brace for impact to negate damage on both. Cap is now contesting the objective.

Modok floats forward and uses his move to move Hawkeye out from cover. He then mind blasts the avenger to daze him and drop the skrull, which Modok promptly takes.

Okoye stands still and blasts Adams Okoye, dazing her and ending the turn.

End of turn 7 - 4 to Adam

TURN 4, Adam priority:

This is looking bad for me. Adam is 3 ahead and also has the skrull on arguably his hardest character to take down.

Modok goes first and unleashes hell on Hawkeye who does his best but is ultimately KOd by the psychic monster. During this attack Modok takes damage from Riders defensive super power, which Adam heals with a medpack.

Ghost Rider activates and chain attacks Modok twice, hexing him but only causing 4 damage.

Okoye attacks Cap but does zero damage, then throws a vibranium blast at my Okoye KOing her.

Cap double strikes Zemo which Okoye bodyguards both of them, doing her a damage and pushing her away.

Zemo decides to take down cap and double attacks him, but with his vibranium shield ability he only manages to plink out 2 damage on Captain America.

Wasp moves up and attacks Okoye, again only managing to put through 1 damage.

Skull, seeing the end is close teleports himself forward and double strikes ghost rider again. He pastes the rider and KO;s him triggering Deal with the Devil and allows Ghost Rider to come back to full health on his wounded side, sacrificing Wasp.

Ghost Rider Hell on wheels over to Modok, attacks him twice and only causes 1 damage. 

Turn ends 11 - 4 to Adam

TURN 5, Adam Priority:

Mokok activates and moves further away from ghost rider, making it harder for me to get to him.

I have one final hail mary and it needs me to take down Modok AND get the skrull from him with just Ghost Rider. He uses hell on wheels to close the gap to Modok and chain attacks twice but only pushes 1 damage through, leaving Modok badly wounded but still alive and still in control of the Skrull

Zemo strikes cap, followed up by a steel rush and dazes captain America, killing off any chance I have of staying in the game.

Okoye moves up to the secure objective on my right hand side, and effectively ends the game.

Final turn score 17 - 4 to Adam.

What a game! Good fun for sure. As i said at the start the spreading out of objectives is still one of my weaknesses. Overall i was happy with Ghost Rider, he did well. Wasp again feels like a let down and i feel if i had Ant Man it would be better. She is mainly in my 10 man list for A-Force, but im wondering if i can take someone better. Something ill look into. Adam played the scenario well, moving crossbones up early was quite unexpected but paid off well overall as it forced me to divert ghost rider earlier than i wanted to to help out. And that damn  elusive Skrull!!!


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