Inhumans vs Brotherhood of Mutants 11/04/21

Inhumans vs Brotherhood of Mutants 11/04/21

Inhumans - Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, Lockjaw, Ronan
TTCs - Medpack, Hired Muscle, Bitter Rivals, Last Minute Save, No Matter The Cost

Brotherhood of Mutants - Magneto, Sabretooth, Toad, MODOK, Okoye
TTCs - Medpack, Asteroid M, AIM Lackeys, Bitter Rivals, Magnetic Refraction

Objectives - Panic Grips City As Evacuation Efforts Continue, Terrigen Clouds Sweep Over City

For this game I decided to go back to the written word format. Videos are cool and we are enjoying making them but its nice to mix it up a bit with some different media formats. So, for this report I decided to go back to a BoM/Cabal line up I wanted to try. For this report I have put the first letter of each activation each turn in bold which hopefully aids with reading it better.

Game Prep.

True to form Adam wins the priority roll and choses Extract, which leaves me with the Secure scenarios. He had a choice of 19 or 20 threat and went with the slightly smaller 19 value.

Adam deploys first with Medusa at the top followed by Ronan, Lockjaw, Crystal and Black Bolt. I counter deploy with Modok at the top, Toad behind the bus shelter, Magneto, Sabretooth and Okoye.

Turn 1:

I was dreading this scenario to a degree. Once again split across a clear left and right hand divide, with moving clouds benefiting the inhumans - to a degree. I was hoping I would be able to use my more rapid power generation to get the civilian tokens and teleport them out of the battlefield. Adam won priority and goes first.

During the power phase Magneto places a metal construct.

He keeps it simple, moving Ronan forward and picking up the civilian token, then continuing to move onto the objective.
Magneto pays 2 power to play Magnetic Refraction then double moves forward toward the delorian.
Lockjaw gets 3 power from being near Crystal then keeps the cagey play going and teleports Black Bolt forward, then uses his second action to scoot forwards.
Okoye double moves up behind Magneto and picks up the civilian token nearby.
Crystal moves forward and picks up the civilian token then moves forward again staying within 2 of Lockjaw for the next turn.
Sabretooth takes advantage of his L movement to double move onto the Terrigen Cloud at the bottom of the map.
Black Bolt is primed for a double attack and I brace for it. He initially uses Master Punch on Sabretooth, using No Matter the Cost to take 3 damage and allowing it to cost 0 power, but fails to land a point of damage on Sabretooth. He does get to place within 1 of the mutant however. Bolt finishes off his second action by Energy Blasting Okoye and comfortably pushes 3 damage onto the Wakandan General.
Modok moves forward and picks up the civilian token nearby following up with an attack on Ronan behind the van and slams 4 damage into the Kree warrior but also has Judgement placed onto him by Ronan. The AIM warlord then throws the van causing another 2 damage and dazing him. Ronan triggers his reactive ability and moves S, following up with a Kree justice on Modok and causing 4 damage applying both stun and stagger but also drops his civilian token.
After all that action Medusa brings the violence level back down by double walking to the Terrigen cloud at the top of the board.
Toad walks forward and picks up Ronans fallen civilian token, then continues onto the Terrigen cloud objective with Medusa.

During clean up the Terrigen clouds dont move but do cause 1 damage to Toad, Sabretooth, Black Bolt and Medusa also applying poison to the first 2.

Turn ends 1 - 3 to me.

Turn 2:

During the power phase Magneto places his second metal construct.

Adam gets the turn rolling and goes to Black Bolt to start the opening salvo. He fires another Energy Blast at Okoye and dazes her, following up with an attack on Magneto which I chose not to use Force Projection on but costs me and I take 5 damage on Magneto leaving him on 1 hp.
My hand is forced and Magneto activates next. He moves and attacks Black Bolt doing the 1 damage required to daze the Inhuman king. Bolt drops his objective which Magneto picks up and spends 6 power to teleport out for 2 VPs making the score 1 - 5 to me. He then spends the last of his power to play medpack and heal 3 damage.
Medusa vents her fury on toad doing 4 damage and dazing him on her first attack, causing Toad to drop his civilian token. She then attacks Modok for 2 more damage and uses the power to also teleport out her civilian taking the score to 3 - 5 to me.
Modok shakes stagger and walks backwards away from the nearby Ronan.
Crystal moves to a get a better line on Magneto and attacks him, causing 2 damage and applying incinerate. 
Sabretooth shimmies round the Terrigen cloud, unable to do anything meaningful or disengage to attack without losing scenario points.
Lockjaw activates and gets 3 power from Crystal being nearby. He teleports Crystal back over to the Terrigen cloud objective. He then attacks Magneto but causes 0 damage, it does however apply Bleed. The Inhuman puppy finishes his activation by throwing the nearby car at Sabretooth for 1 damage.
Ronan walks toward Modok and strikes him for 2 damage but failing to daze.

During the clean up phase Sabretooth and Medusa take a damage from the clouds.

Turn ends 6 - 8 to me.

Turn 3:

Priority moves to me for this turn.

Magneto opens the turn by playing Bitter Rivals on Lockjaw. He then double attacks Black Bolt and very sadly causes 0 damage. At the end of his activation he takes 1 Bleed Damage and is dazed.
Black Bolt flexes his vocal chords and uses Whisper to hit both Okoye and Sabretooth, doing 2 damage to the former and 3 to the latter applying stagger and stun to both. (unfortunately I appear to be missing the rest of this activation :( )
Modok activates and double attacks Ronan, KOing the Kree. Ronans counterattack ability triggers on KO and he swings at Modok, dazing him and causing the civilian token to be dropped which Adam places towards Medusa.
Medusa attacks Toad, getting the flurry trigger and KOing the mutant. She then shuffles slightly around the objective cloud token.
Sabretooth clears stagger and attacks Black Bolt but causes 0 damage. He then heals a damage at the end of his turn.
Lockjaw moves and attacks Sabretooth for 1 damage and causes Bleed. He then throws a tree at Okoye but fails to do any damage.
Okoye clears stagger then walks to the objective. 
Crystal moves and uses her range 1 AOE attack to hit Sabretooth and Okoye. The wakandan general takes a hit and also bodyguards the attack on Sabretooth and gets KOd.

During clean up Sabretooth, Black Bolt, Medusa and Crystal take a damage which dazes Sabretooth.

Turn ends 9 -8 to Adam

Turn 4:

I retain priority so decide to go with Modok first. He is on 4 HP which is real bad for him. Not having Ronan to worry about but Medusa is not to be trifled with. He moves forward and attacks Medusa for 0 damage. He then throws the nearby Thor statue at the Inhuman Queen causing 3 damage and dazing her. He finishes his activation by picking up the previously dropped civilian token.
Crystal moves and attacks Magneto failing to do any damage but does apply the incinerate condition once more. She then uses her power to remove the civilian token taking the score to 11 - 8 to Adam.
Magneto decides to flex his muscle and throws his own construct at Black Bolt for 2 damage. He double attacks the Inhuman for a further 4 damage and pushes him base to base with Lockjaw. He then spends more power to throw the nearby garbage truck which KOs Bolt. Lockjaw plays Last Minute Save to rescue the Inhuman leader and place him nearby. Magneto finishes his activation with a cheeky throw of a nearby lamp post which Black Bolt comfortably dodges.
Black Bolt thanks his helpful puppy, uses Medpack then uses Whisper again on Sabretooth but only manages to squeeze through 3 damage. Sabretooth triggers his aggressive counter attack and slashes Bolt for 1 damage. He then uses Energy Punch on Sabretooth but only causes 0 damage.
Sabretooth double attacks Black Bolt and finally puts down the Inhuman leader. He then attacks Lockjaw with his second action for 3 damage,
Lockjaw teleports Crystal back to the objective then moves back throwing the nearby construct at Sabretooth causing 3 damage.

During the clean up phase Lockjaw takes 1 damage.

Turn ends 13 - 8 to Adam

Turn 5:

During the power phase Magneto places one of his metal constructs.

I retain priority again. The score is slowly creeping away from me so I need to try and bring it back. There are still some strong pieces left on the board for me, but I need them to really start doing work. I decide to go with Modok, Medusa is still a legit threat and I need to deal with her. He double attacks Medusa but only causes 1 damage. He finishes up but throwing a nearby car at her for 2 more damage. 
Medusa plays Bitter Rivals on Magneto. Lockjaw uses Inter-Dimensional Bloodhound on Sabretooth and attacks him for 2 damage and KOs the mutant. He uses his second action to clear bleed.
Magneto throws his construct at Lockjaw and dazes the Inhuman pup. He then attacks Crystal and dazes her. The mutant leader finishes his activation by walking up to score the Terrigen cloud.
Medusa walks and attacks Modok for 2 damage.

During the clean up phase Magneto and Medusa take 1 damage from the clouds, the former also being poisoned.

Turn ends 15 - 12 to Adam.

Turn 6:

During the power up phase Magneto places another metal construct.

The scenario is still against me but last turn gave me a bit more faith in pulling it back. I go with Modok first and use 6 power to teleport the civilian token out scoring 2 VPs bringing the score to 15 - 14 to Adam. He then attacks and KOs Medusa, finishing up by walking onto the Terrigen Cloud. 
Crystal attacks Magneto 3 times, 2 from her actions and 1 from her super power ability and does 0 damage but does burn through all my power as I use force projection against every attack whilst also rolling very well. The attacks do apply slow.
Magneto activates and attacks Lockjaw for 4 damage. He then throws his metal construct at the damaged dog to KO him. 

At this point the game ends as all activations are done. Game finishes 15 - 18 to me.

Wow, what a game. Blood bath, slaughter, slobberknocker are all words I'd use to describe this one, although we could argue the biggest casualty here was the board with all the terrain being wrecked. Out of 10 starting characters only 3 left at the end of turn 6, and very very close on scenario. On review Adam realised if he played Hired Muscle way back on turn 3 he could have moved the civilian token in range for Medusa to pick up and potentially teleport out. This could have won him the game if the rest of it resolved as it was. I also totally forgot about Magnetos leadership for the first 2 terrain pieces being destroyed. 
Playing this game reminded me how much I do like Magneto. He just does so much work. I admittedly did roll well on occasion but even then he is still a beast. I wasnt sure how MODOK and Magneto would go together but turns out it was good. During deployment I deployed MODOK on the wrong side v Ronan instead of the much more vulnerable Black Bolt. Judgement on MODOK also slowed down my power generation stopping me teleporting the civilian token out early. I did enjoy the game though, and look forward to more games with the mutants :)


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