Brotherhood of Mutants v Criminal Syndicate 21/05/21

 Brotherhood of Mutants v Criminal Syndicate 21/05/21

Hello everyone :)

Back to some regularish posting, we are still doing video recordings but for a few reasons we decided to do a few written reports til we get some behind the scenes stuff sorted.

Todays game is BoM v Criminal Syndicate, Mystique v Kingpin. I wanted to try out some new bits and pieces this game, so lets see how they did :)

Brotherhood of Mutants:

BoM: Mystique, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Venom and Okoye
TTC: Disarm, Medpack, Bitter Rivals, Asteroid M, No More Mutants

Criminal Syndicate:

CS: Kingpin, Modok, Enchantress, Mystique, Taskmaster
TTC: Medpack, Brace for Impact, Advanced R&D, Deception, A.I.M. Lackeys

Objectives: Riots Spark Over Extremis 3.0, Deadly Legacy Virus Cured?

Game Prep:

For this game I won priority but only just on tiebreaker :) I chose Extract, Adam secure. I wanted to try out the new scenario that came with Mr Sinister and was fortunate it wasnt removed as the random card. We went with the 19 point threat over the 17 point.

I deployed first with Mystique at the top, Quicksilver, Okoye, Toad, Scarlet Witch and Venom with Adam counter deploying Enchantress, Modok, Mystique, Kingpin and Taskmaster.

Round 1:

Straight away I know round 2 is going to be difficult, I have 6 to Adams 5 so he is all but guaranteed to get priority round 2. I also realised I forgot to take Deception for Mystique, and Adam did. Alongside Enchantress this gives him a strong scenario game in regards to the Legacy tokens, so right away I have to plan the Extraction game. I know I cant use Quicksilver as intended, as Mystique will just deception him then Enchantress will take his token putting Adam in a super strong position and I could potentially lose a character to being dazed round 1.

Toad decides to go first, moving forward to the legacy token at my side and picking it up, he then uses Mystiques leadership ability to drop a token on the console to secure it, then moves away.
Mystique on Adams side, who will be referred to Mystique2 for the rest of the report, double walks to the centre and picks up the legacy token there.
Quicksilver double walks to the console at the top of the board and uses Mystiques leadership ability to drop a token on it also.
Taskmaster keeps things simple, double walking to the legacy console at the bottom of the board.
Okoye walks forward and uses a spear blast to shoot Mystique2, causing 1 damage to the mutant shapeshifter.
Modok double walks towards the centre of the board and picks up the legacy token at Adams board edge.
Venom double walks towards the bottom console which Taskmaster is currently securing.
Enchantress double walks towards the console at the top, taking control of it from Quicksilver.
Mystique, my Mystique who will be referred to as Mystique1 for the rest of the report, double walks to the objective with Enchantress and Quicksilver, contesting it.
Kingpin double walks to the objective with Venom and Taskmaster.
Scarlet Witch walks forward and hits Kingpin with her builder attack, causing 2 damage but applying Poison, Hex and Incinerate.

Turn ends 2  - 4 to Adam

Round 2:

As expected I am on the back foot on scenario, but Witch doing her damage to KP and conditions might give me an opening for this round. Adam, as expected, takes priority.

Adam starts the turn by playing Advanced R&D on Mystique and moving 2 power, 1 to Modok and 1 to Kingpin. He then activates Kingpin and clears Hex, attacking Venom with a hail to the king and causing 1 damage and stagger, throwing him away from the objetcive.
Mystique1 and Quicksilver play Disarm on Enchantress, Venom plays Bitter Rivals on Mystique2. Mysitique1 then attacks Enchantress twice, getting the rapid fire trigger once, but fails to cause any damage to the Asgardian.
Taskmaster heals Kingpin for 1 damage from the console then attacks Venom twice, causing 2 damage.
I decide to give up on chasing down Mystique2, she can move too far and she has a lot of close range defensive tech, so I double move Okoye towards the objective at the bottom of the map, contesting it.
Adam plays his pass.
Venom activates and clears stagger then walks back to the objective Kingpin threw him from.
Enchantress moves Mystique1 using Sirens call then double attacks Quicksilver but fails to cause any damage to the supersonic mutant.
Quicksilver returns two attacks into Enchantress and causes 2 damage.
Mystique2 walks towards the top of the board and uses Deception to walk Mysituqe1 towards her.
Toad walks to relative safety and chills.
Modok double attacks Mystique2 but only causes 2 damage, he then uses his ability to move her away in the direction she came from.
Scarlet Witch again gets the final say in this turn. She double attacks Kingpin and causes 5 damage but fails to drop the criminal leader leaving him on 1 health. She then uses Asteroid M, along with Quicksilver, to teleport to the top objective then throws a car at Enchantress who uses brace to avoid taking damage.

Turn ends 4 - 7 to Adam

Round 3:

Again scenario is running away, I am fairly sure I can stop Adam ever scoring the 8VPs from the legacy cure tokens, but fighting Criminal Syndicate toe to toe on Secures is difficult. I seem to be cranking damage on where Adam has failed a lot of his attack rolls, so I am hoping I can press on that to take both the secure objectives this turn.

Kingpin, being heavily damaged, decides to go first. He again clears Hex and uses Hail to the King to attack Venom, which Okoye bodyguards to herself and takes 0 damage. He throws her at Venom and she takes 1 damage and Venom 0, but does stagger the Wakandan general.
Toad double walks towards the bottom corner of the map.
Enchantress uses Sirens Call on Scarlet Witch and the mutant counters by playing No More Mutants. She then attacks Witch with her spender but causes only 1 damage. The Asgardian then beam attacks and hits Witch and Silver causing 1 damage to each of them.
Venom attacks and dazes Kingpin, healing 1 damage to himself. He then attacks Taskmaster for 1 damage and applies bleed.
Taskmaster double attacks Okoye but causes 0 damage to the elusive Wakandan but does cause bleed. He heals himself for 1 damage from the console then takes a damage from his own bleed condition.
Scarlet Witch attacks Enchantress twice and dazes her, then heals herself 1 damage from the console neaby.
Mystique2 walks back further to her deployment area.
Mystique1 walks and attacks Modok with her spender, causing 1 damage to the AIM leader and applying stun.
Modok walks and throws a car at Mystique1 causing 2 damage to the mutant. He then walks again to the objective at my board edge clearing the token Toad put down on round 1.
Quicksilver double walks towards Mystique and Heals from the console.
Okoye clears stagger and bleed.

Turn ends 6 - 11 to Adam

Round 4:

Unfortunately taking both secures didnt work this turn, failing to daze Kingpin on turn 2 may have cost me in the long run.

Enchantress picks herself up and uses Sirens Call to move Mystique1. She then uses her beam attack and hits Mystique1 and Witch but fails to cause damage to either. She then uses her spender attack on Scarlet Witch and causes 0 damage but does apply slow. She finishes her turn by using Sirens Call again to move Witch to the board edge.
Quicksilver double attacks Mystique2 but only causes 2 damage to the mutant.
Kingpin attacks Venom with a Hail to the King which Okoye once again bodyguards, Kingpin then attacks her directly which dazes the General. Before she is dazes she is thrown at Venom who takes 1 damage from the throw.
Mystique1 walks forward and uses her super power ability to blow up a nearby tree, causing 2 damage to the nearby Mystique2.
Mystique2 medpacks herself then attacks Quicksilver twice causing him 1 damage overall and applying stun.
Venom double attacks Taskmaster for 5 damage healing 1 damage from the second attack and then heals 1 damage from the console.
Adam plays his pass.
Scarlet Witch attacks Enchantress for 4 damage then moves onto the objective.
Modok decides to do nothing and stays where he is.
Toad finishes the turn by moving fully into the corner of the map.

Turn ends 9 - 15 to Adam

Round 5:

The game is all but done, I need to score every single scenario piece on the board, and stop Adam scoring any points. Not downing Kingpin turn 2 I think has cost me overall, as I feel attrition is strongly in my favour.

Modok heals 1 damage from the console he is on then double walks to my board edge.
Quicksilver double attacks Mystique2 and dazes her, causing her to drop her legacy token.
Kingpin double walks and picks up the dropped token.
Scarlet Witch attacks and KOs Enchantress, then clears the slow condition.
Taskmaster attacks and KOs Okoye. He then attacks Venom for 4 damage. Venom uses So Many Snacks to counter attack but causes 0 damage.
Toad continues to chill in the corner.
Mystique1 attacks Kingpin 3 times, once with her spender and twice with her rapid fire pistols but only causes 1 damage to the criminal overlord.
Venom finishes the round by double attacking Taskmaster but causes 0 damage.

Game ends 13 - 17 to Adam.

Ooooft. What a game. Criminal Syndicate are always hard to take down on Secures, I had hoped my 6th member would be enough to keep me contesting at least. Failing to down Kingpin turn 2 and forgetting Deception were huge as it gave Adam more flexibility but I had to play around his. Scarlet Witch as a monster, such a strong piece. Quicksilver....what can I say positive about him in this game....he moves fast? Not impressed with the mutant speedster. There are other solid cost 3 options in the game I could have taken, Id even have taken Taskmaster in his place in this game. His builder is quite weak, requiring so many triggers to do anything and not being able to double tap the same target with the extra attack is real sad. I will need to keep working on my Criminal Syndicate counter play :)


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