BoM vs Wakanda Game 2 05/03/21

Brotherhood of Mutants vs Wakanda 05/03/21 Game 2

BoM - Mystique (leader), Sabretooth, Enchantress, Taskmaster, Proxima Midnight and Toad
TTCs - Brace for Impact, Advanced R&D, Asteroid M, Medpack, deceptive.

Wakanda - Black Panther, Killmonger, Shuri, Okoye, Hawkeye, Crossbones
TTCs - Wakanda Forever, Medpack, Brace for Impact, Usurp the Throne, Advanced R&D

* I unfortunatly forgot to take pics of the line up and predeployment prep :(

Objective cards - Panic Grips City as Evacuation Efforts Continue!, Infinity Formula Goes Missing.

Game Prep:

Adam sticks with Wakanda and mixes the line up again, adding in my second least favoute character: Killmonger. I always underestimate what he is capable of. I go with BoM again but this time change leader to Mystique. Ive never used her as a leader before, but looking at the objective situation here it might work out really well for me. By pure coincidence we both end up with 6 person teams so this could be interesting.

I win the roll for priority, I chose the Panic scenario and Adam the formulas. I deploy Task Master on my left, followed by Proxima, Sabretooth, Mystique, Enchantress and Toad. Adam goes with Black Panther, Hawkeye, Crossbones, Okoye, Killmonger and Shuri. For this scenario I think both of us are quite aware of the objective layout and its a 6 v 6 game, potentially looking at two 3 v 3 skirmishes on each side of the map.

Turn 1:

Taskmaster keeps it simple and moves forward, taking the civilian token on the left near the skip.
Hawkeye, not wanting to be so straight forward, moves up and shoots Taskmaster with his nice range 5 attack, causing Taskmaster 2 damage then takes the objective token.
Toad, determined to be useful, moves up and takes the token on the right, then uses Mystiques leadership ability to drop a contesting token on the formula objective.
Proxima moves up to the formula objective on the right which is copied by Crossbones.
Sabretooth double moves and takes up position near the digger, putting him in range of a black panther attack, but I'm hoping between aggressive and his reactive superpower I might get a cheeky counter attack if Adam decides to go for it.
As I was prepared for, Black Panther moves forward and strikes sabertooth. I roll abysmally and take 4 damage and am pushed back for my efforts. I chose not to aggressive forward because if Adam decides to use Wakanda Forever he could easily daze Sabertooth and that would be a bad turn 1 for me.
Enchantress uses Advanced R&D to move power to Sabretooth and Mystique then moves up to the formula objective on the right. 
Shuri is as Shuri does and moves up, shoots Enchantress and pushes her back for 1 damage.
Mystique double moves to the right hand objective to make sure Adam cant knock off the token and score an unexpected point.
Killlmonger ends on a simple plan and double moves to the objective on the right on Adams side of the board.

Turn ends 4 - 4 

Turn 2:

Sabretooth, now sitting on quite a bit of power, decides to capitalise on that before he gets taken down. He medpacks some damage off, moves up and attacks Black Panther with a savage predator attack getting no trigger and causing 0 damage. Sad times for the angry Kitty :( He then heals another 1 damage at the end of his activation.
Crossbones moves forward, and as usual I underestimate him, attacks Proxima midnight. Again I roll abysmal and Proxima goes down. During the attack she gets thrown at Taskmaster who uses brace to avoid also being dazed by the throw.
I was genuinely thrown by this, I didnt expect her to go down and she was also integral to my plan. So back to the drawing board. I go with Mystique who uses Deception on Killmonger. She attacks him with her pistol, gets the trigger and attacks again, followed up by an Espionage attack doing 3 damage in total but putting Stun on Killmonger.
Killmonger lashes out at Toad and causes 2 damage, who uses slippery to escape a second attack. The angry Wakandan lashes out at Mystique but only does her a point of damage.
Taskmaster, not wanting to give up his position, attacks Crossbones twice and only pushes through a damage, which Crossbones negates with his super power.
Shuri moves up and shoots Enchantress and pushes her back again, and again causing her that vital point of damage. Adam continues his denial of Enchantress doing anything in this game :)
Enchantress, enraged by the continued pushing, moves back up and blasts Killmonger for 3 damage.
Okoye, seeing things going south for Killmonger moves up and Medpacks her ally. She throws a spear blast at Enchantress doing her 2 damage.
Toad, feeling safe that the characters on the right have activated, moves back onto the right hand objective.
Black Panther attacks Sabretooth for a damage. He then uses a kinetic burst to do another damage. Again, Adam times his Wakanda Forever for the biggest impact and plays the card and all 4 Wakandans pay to use it. Panther attacks Sabretooth again for 2 damage, which allows Sabretooth to reactively use untamed force and do a mighty 0 damage in return. Shuri attacks Mystique for 0 damage but does push her away. Killmonger attacks Toad, reminding the mutant that he isnt safe, and dazes Toad. Okoye finishes with an attack on Enchantress and also dazes the Asgardian. Great move from Adam, not so good for me.
Hawkeye double attacks Sabretooth and dazes the aggressive mutant. He does get a counter attack off before he goes down which causes 0 damage but applies bleed. Hawkeye then teleports his civilian token out of the battle for an instant 2 VPs.

Turn ends 5 - 9 in Adams favour.

Turn 4:

Whelp, that hurt! 4 characters dazed. Not a great turn for me at all and now trailing by 4 VPs.

I start with Enchantress who double attacks Killmonger with Enthrall. She doesnt get the trigger but she dazes the Wakandan warlord. I went with this first as im acutely aware Adam has Usurp and Enchantress is one of two cost 4 characters; he would annihilate her.
Crossbones tries his luck again with Proxima and causes 1 damage. He gets the overpower and throws her into Taskmaster with no brace. She takes another damage and Taskmaster takes 3.
Taskmaster, knowing he is close to going down, teleports his civilian out for 2 instant VPs. He then double attacks Crossbones for again zero damage.
Shuri picks up the token dropped earlier, she then shoots Toad for 1 damage who then uses slippery to move away. She finishes her turn by moving across to the objective.
Proxima moves up and attacks Hawkeye, dazing him but unfortunately the civilian token is long gone from the previous turn.
Black Panther moves up, attacks Taskmaster and does the final 1 damage to daze him.
At this point I know Im on the back foot, both civilians on the left are gone, leaving the ones on the right to fight for. Mystique double moves round the truck cab and uses Asteroid M to teleport Sabretooth across the board to stand beside Shuri. I think this maybe took Adam by surprise as he didnt realise Asteroid M didnt have a range restriction.
Adam passes.
Toad moves to the objective and uses Mystiques leadership ability to drop a scoring token on the objective.
Okoye activates and plays Advanced R&D causing Shuri to move her power, she then moves up to the objective on the right.
Sabretooth gets his moment and attacks Shuri twice, but only causes 3 damage meaning she keeps the civilian token.

Turn ends 7 - 14 to Adam

Turn 3:

Not looking good for me at all. I need to get both civilians, teleport them both out, and score most of the other 4 objectives and make sure Adam doesn't to stay in the game. Easy peasy, right?

Adam has priority this turn and I can see he has a plan. He goes with Okoye first and double taps Enchantress with a spear blast. Not only does he KO Enchantress but he does enough damage to get the power to teleport his civilian out, getting 2 instant VPs., making my turn even more difficult.
Sabretooth does what he should have done last turn and takes down Shuri, taking her civilian and teleporting it out to gain me 2 instant VPs. He then moves towards the Adams side of the board, away from Killmonger to avoid the Usurp, as he is now the highest costed character in the game and thats 2 instant VPs for Adam if he can dake down Sabretooth with Killmonger.
Killmonger, unhappy that Sabretooth ran off, KOs Toad then dazes Mystique.
Proxima double attacks Hawkeye and does 4 damage, including applying Bleed, Poison and Stun status effects.
Crossbones attacks Taskmaster for 1 damage and throws him for another. He attacks again but does 0 damage.
Taskmaster moves up and throws a shield at Hawkeye who uses quickdraw. Hawkeye causes 0 damage and Taskmaster also causes 0 damage. Good job there guys.
Hawkeye shoots taskmaster and KOs him, and Black Panther finishes the turn by staying put.

Turn, and game, ends 9 - 17 to Adam.

* Forgot to take an end of game pic :(

So, that was a game haha. I think even with the huge scoreline discrepancy the game was still very back and forth. There was a couple of key moments in the game that could have swung it a different direction. Sabretooth failing to take down Shuri when he was moved with Asteroid M was one of them. I tried my best to keep on top of Killmonger as his 2 VP card could have totally swung the game for Adam much earlier if he had gotten it to work. The whole game was different from normal, with us both having to split our forces. Apart from Sabretooth, noone else moved across the centre line. Mystique is a lot different from Magneto, her leadership abilities were pretty good in this situation, whereas Magneto would have struggled. I put Proxima in as she is a nice 3 cost character but she was really removed early doors from being able to be fully effective. Ive noticed Crossbones is never really rated very highly, but in most of the games Adam has taken him he does a power of work.


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