Dark Dimension v Web Warriors 19/09/21

 Dark Dimension v Web Warriors 19/09/21

Hey folks. 

Managed to get another written report down. Actually 2 so this is the first of 2. I was very much off point today and kept forgetting to take pics 😞

So for this game I'm playing against a local player called Adam. Not the same Adam I play vs usually, just to add to the confusion. I decide to continue with my Sam Spam/Dormammu list and see how I got on.

We roll for priority and Adam wins and choses Secures.

Dark Dimension:

Dormammu, Iron Fist, Valkyrie, Lockjaw and Okoye.

TTCs: Dark Empowerment, Dark Restoration, Advanced R&D, Medpack and Follow me.

Web Warriors:

Spiderman (Miles), Ghost Spider, Moon Knight, Venom, Medusa and Black Widow

TTCs: Advanced R&D, Spider Tracker, Medpack, All Webbed Up, Brace for Impact.

Game Setup:

Panic Grips City as Evacuation Efforts Continue

Secure: Riot Sparks Over Extremis 3.0

Threat: 19


I decided to with Dark Dimension again for this game but swapped in Lockjaw to my line up. His teleport ability isn't size limited so I wondered how it would affect being able to throw Dormammu around the board. Otherwise my plan was similar to the last game; teleport out two citizens round 2 then get the third and score from that also.

Adam won priority so he deploys first with Moon Knight, Venom, Black Widow, Gwen, Miles and Medusa (left to right). I counter deploy with Valkyre, Okoye, Dormammu, Lockjaw and Iron Fist.

Round One:

Adam keeps it simple and moves Black Widow onto the nearby console.

Lockjaw activates and gets 3 power from being nearby an ally. He then teleports Dormammu forward then walks onto the console.

Medusa walks and picks up the first citizen then walks onto the console.

Iron Fist walks and picks up the citizen on my side then walks back to cover.

Moon Knight rolls a crit getting an extra move action. He walks and picks up a citizen then walks onto the objective. He throws a couple of cheeky knives at Dormammu causing 2 damage.

Valkyre moves and picks up the last citizen, then walks up to contest the objective with Moon Knight.

Miles double walks to the console with Medusa.

Okoye double walks forward near to Dormammu.

Gwen double moves across the board landing near Iron Fist.

Dormammu teleports himself forward and attacks Venom twice doing 6 damage to the symbiote.

Venom moves forward and attacks Dormammu which Okoye bodyguards and takes 0 damage. Venom uses Advanced R&D to give power to everyone else except Black Widow.

Round ends 4 - 3 to Adam.

Round 2:

Lockjaw uses Advanced R&D to give power to everyone else. Iron Fist teleports out the first citizen making it 4-5 to me. He then attacks Gwen for 0 damage but does place nearby then attacks Medusa for 3 damage.

Moon Knight rolls a blank for 1 power. He then attacks Okoye and gets the rapid fire trigger but only does 1 damage. Its enough to teleport out his citizen to make it 6-5 to Adam. He then attacks Valkyre for 4 damage.

Valkyre teleports out her citizen to make it 6-7 to me. She attacks Moon Knight twice to do 3 damage then throws him off the objective, then heals 1 damage from the console.

Venom attacks Dormammu for 0 damage. He then attacks and dazes Okoye. Venom then throws nearby terrain at the Dark god and causes 1 damage.

Dormammu teleports forward and Medpacks himself. He attacks and dazes Venom then repeats the process and dazes Widow.

Medusa attacks Iron Fist twice but causes 0 damage.

Lockjaw adjusts his positon on the objective slightly.

Gwen moves back and pulls Dormammu toward her, then moves laterally onto the objective with Lockjaw.

Miles moves and web lines to Lockjaw and Gwen, attacking the pup doing 1 damage and throwing him off the objective.

Round ends 9 - 8 to Adam.

Unfortunately I didn't take any more pics, because I forgot again 😭. 

Round 3:

Iron Fist attacks Medusa with an Iron Fist and does 2 damage and gives her an activated token. He attacks again and does a further 1 damage.

Venom attacks Okoye for 1 damage and applies Bleed. He then pulls Dormammu forwards and finishes with another attack on Okoye for 0 damage.

Lockjaw walks forward and teleports Dormammu back towards the centre of the board then plays Follow Me onto Dormammu.

Dormammu teleports himself towards Medusa and Iron Fist, then attacking Medusa twice dazing her. He picks up the citizen token that Medusa drops.

Moon Knight rolls a blank for 1 power then  attacks and dazes Valkyre and places onto her. He then tries a knife attack at Okoye and causes 0 damage and fails to get the trigger.

Okoye double spear blasts Venom but only manages to push through 1 damage.

Miles walks and venom blasts Dormammu for 5 damage and causes him to drop the citizen token. Dormammu uses his reactive power to Hex Miles and push him away S.

Gwen moves and picks up the citizen, then moves back to the console.

Black Widow remains on the console.

Round ends 13 - 9 to Adam.

Round 4:

Dormammu teleports towards Miles and Gwen and attacks Ghost Spider but only manages to get 3 damage onto her.

Gwen moves and attacks Dormammu for 0 damage, but gets the trigger to move away from the nefarious dark god.

Valkyre charges Venom who triggers spider tracker and moves S toward Black Widow and out of range. Valkyre then moves onto the console with Venom to contest.

Moon Knight attacks and KOs Okoye.

I decide to pass.

Venom double attacks Valkyre for 0 damage.

Iron Fist double attacks Medusa but only manages to land 1 damage onto the Inhuman Queen.

Medusa attacks and flurries Iron Fist for 4 damage then pushes him away twice from the triggers.

I pass again.

Miles moves onto the console near Dormammu.

Lockjaw teleports to the top objective and heals 1 damage.

Black Widow moves and attacks Lockjaw for 1 damage and applies stagger.

Game ends 17 - 10 to Adam.

Well, more thoughts and feelings. 🙂 I was happy with how Lockjaw performed, I'm just not sure if it was worth dropping a more aggressive character for him. Triggering Spider Tracker was foolish and was quite clutch in the game. I should have stayed at the objective with Moon Knight and tried to daze him. Again I was happy with how Dormammu performed, the power generation is really strong and fast. I think for the next time I play him ill drop the Panic crisis and try him in a more suited crisis to how he wants to play. He doesn't look being spread out and ideally wants to fight in the middle so C and E deployment scenarios with him seem to be better. Adam also had 1 more character than me and could move faster and wider with little to no penalty for doing so which gave him much better control of the Secure crisis. 

I'll keep trying, keep adjusting, hopefully find a good mix soon 🙂


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