Wakanda vs Web Warriors 14/05/21

 Wakanda vs Web Warriors 14/05/21

Hello everyone :D Welcome back, I guess. Been a bit of a gap in the usual posting. We have been focusing on building up loads of content for the channel launch, and I've been house hunting so a lot of time has been burned up on that.

Todays report is of the written format, but because I am so used to doing video stuff now I forgot to take pics of deployment at end of round 2, because I am an idiot haha. So I apologise for that in advance. Today we are playing, as above, Wakanda v Web Warriors, T'Challa v Miles. I also gave Scarlet Witch a run out in this game :)


Wakanda: Black Panther, Shuri, Okoye, Rocket Racoon, Scarlet Witch
TTCs: Wakanda Forever, No More Mutants, MedPack, Bitter Rivals and Advanced R&D.

Web Warriors:

Web Warriors: Spider-Miles, Spider-Pete, Gwen and Hulk
TTCs: Medpack, Brace for Impact, All Webbed Up, Advanced R&D, Gamma Launch

Objectives: Mayor Fisk Vows to Find Witnesses, Riots Spark Over Extremis 3.0

Deciding to keep his status quo going, Adam wins priority shocking noone! I was keen to try out Scarlet Witch in A-Force, but also intrigued to see what she could do in Wakanda with the rerolls from Black Panther and Shuri. Also Adam choosing Hulk was an interesting option as he is considered to be not that great. Adam choses to go with 16 threat for this game.

Round 1:

dam gets the game going by activating Hulk first. He moves and picks up the cube fragment near his deployment zone, then moves again and picks up the cube in the middle. Already its become a tough game with Hulk having 2 cubes.
I decide to go with a strong counter play and pick Black Panther who double moves to Adams side of the board and picks up the other cube near his deployment zone.
Miles double walks onto the witness objective at the top of the board.
Okoye double walks and picks up the cube fragment near my deployment zone.
Pete double walks towards the middle of the board.
Rocket walks to pick up the second cube fragment near my deployment zone. He then takes a pot shot at Hulk and causes 2 damage, finishing his activation by playing Advanced R&D to give a power to Scarlet Witch and Black Panther.
Gwen walks forward and takes up position near the rear.
Scarlet Witch takes the penultimate activation and moves forward towards the middle and targets Hulk with an attack which Gwen uses Life Saver to get him out of trouble. She then retargets Peter and rolls 7 success but Adam rolls like a boss and rolls 5 defences. She does 2 damage to the Spiderman and applies 3 status conditions; Bleed, Poison and Incinerate.
Shuri finishes the turn by moving forward and shooting Peter for 1 damage and pushing him off the objective.

Turn ends 3 - 4 to me.

During the clean up Miles takes a damage from the objective.

Round 2:

During the power phase Black Panther, Okoye and Rocket take 1 damage from their cubes, Hulk takes 2 damage from his.

Adam, retaining priority from last turn, goes again with Hulk first who leaps towards Black Panther and attacks him twice. I roll incredibly poorly and the King of Wakanda is dazed, dropping his cube fragment token.
Rocket Raccoon shoots Hulk for another 3 damage then walks away towards my board edge.
Peter moves and attacks Scarlet Witch doing 1 damage. He tries to use a Web-A-Pult to throw nearby terrain at her but she uses No More Mutants to cancel it out. He then takes 1 damage from the bleed condition.
Shuri shoots and dazes Peter, then walks onto the civilian objective.
Miles moves and picks up the token Panther dropped then moves back to safety.
Okoye double walks to bodyguard range of Rocket.
Gwen double moves onto the other civilian token at the bottom of the board.
At this point I had to make a call with Witch; to either move towards the top objective and secure it, or chase down Hulk and help reinforce the bottom objective. I chose the latter and she double moves towards the bottom of the board. She finishes her activation by throwing the Thor statue at Hulk who uses Brace for Impact to avoid the damage.

Turn ends 9 - 7 to Adam

Shuri and Gwen take 1 damage and Stun from the civilian objectives.

(No pic here sadly :( )

Round 3:

During the power phase Okoye and Rocket take 1 damage from their cubes, Miles takes 1 damage and Hulk takes 2.

Hulk, not to upset the trend of the other two rounds, goes first. He walks and attacks and dazes Scarlet Witch then uses MedPack to heal 3 damage.
I need to get back into the game, the tokens on Hulk are all but unattainable now for this round. I play  Bitter Rivals on Gwen then Wakanda Forver. Shuri attacks Pete for 1 damage and pushes him into range of Okoye who attacks him for 3 damage. Black Panther attacks Hulk but causes 0 damage, pushing him into the nearby car. Okoye then activates normally, moving then KOing Peter.
Gwen uses All Webbed Up to slow Black Panther, attacks him twice and again I roll horrendously bad and the King gets KO'd.
Rocket continues his campaign against Hulk, moving to shoot him and doing 3 damage to the Big Green, he then uses MedPack to heal 2 damage to make sure he doesnt get dazed.
Shuri walks off the objective to shoot Hulk which Gwen pulls him out of range of. She then walks back onto her objective.

Turn ends 14 - 11 to Adam.

Shuri and Hulk take 1 damage and Stun from the civilian tokens.

Round 4:

Okoye, Rocket and Miles take 1 damage from their cube fragments, Hulk takes 2 damage.

Again, for the 4th time, Hulk goes first. With the damage he has on him he easily takes down Scarlet Witch in two attacks, KOing the daughter of Magneto.
Honestly, at this point its not looking great for me at all. Rocket shoots Hulk who gets saved again by Gwen. He then walks and shoots Hulk again for 1 damage.
Gwen walks and pulls Rocket forward, attacking and dazing the Guardian and picks up his cube.

At this point we call it, I cant come back from the deficit. 

Turn ends 20-14 to Adam

Interesting and quick game. I played badly as well which didnt help. Scarlet Witch should have been following Hulk around and making his life a nightmare as the rest of my team can easily handle most of the other Web Warriors. When she did get to do something she was a monster, applying status conditions casually is super spooky. Hopefully next game I get to play her I can get more work done 


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