Welcome :)

This is my new, and first, blog. After being on the internet for 25 odd years and playing table top games for just as long I figured I'd start putting some of my gaming experiences down in  a battle report format. Welcome :)

This is my new, and first, blog. After being on the internet for 25 odd years and playing table top games for just as long I figured I'd start putting some of my gaming experiences down in  a battle report format. 

I picked up Marvel Crisis Protocol in June 2020 and have been hooked ever since. I love the minis, the rules, the balance, the game, everything. Ive been playing, on average, 2 games of this a week since June with another fellow gamer who is fully on board.  With this blog I hope I can bring a bit of our experiences to anyone reading, hopefully providing information and insight to people looking to play MCP or invest in minis they don't currently own.

A bit about myself; Im in my late 30s, live in Scotland, I've been playing table top miniature games since I was in my early teens. Started with Warhammer 40k then eventually moved onto Warmachine and now MCP, I also dabble with Star Wars Legion and Star Wars Armada and taking some baby steps into playing The Horus Heresy/Warhammer 30k.

As I get used to doing write ups this website/blog will change and evolve and hopefully you will see the improvements and changes as they happen. :)


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